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 Critique These Character Names

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3 posters
RP Team
RP Team

Number of posts : 2358
Age : 31
Location : Alucard's House, Grand "The City", California
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 2009-10-03

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2009 3:06 am

I was thinking of writing a story or stories about a group of mercenaries who get picked randomly by an employer and they go on missions together. Can you tell me what you think about their names and nationalities?

Slick from The U.S.
Richter from Germany
Kane from the Philippines
Crow from Russia
Kaito from Japan (His name may change)

Shirley from The U.S.
Butterfly from France
Queen from Britain.

Can you give some character name suggestions and nationality ideas?
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Kazuo Kiriyama
Kazuo Kiriyama

Number of posts : 2658
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2008-08-19

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 11:05 am

The names seem fine except for Richter, he doesn't feel from Germany to me... And why does your story need so many nationalities?
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Number of posts : 4553
Age : 31
Location : Hialeah,Florida
Reputation : 44
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Character sheet
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Character Name: Blaze
Race: Human

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 11:44 am

Yeah man i agree with Azure
lol when i read the name Kane the first thing i thought was WWE wonder why?
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RP Team
RP Team

Number of posts : 2358
Age : 31
Location : Alucard's House, Grand "The City", California
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 2009-10-03

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 4:04 pm

The reason there's so many nationalities is because this is sort of inspired by this game I played Shock Troopers. There's 8 mercenaries and they're all from different nationalities.

Jackal from the U.S., Milky from France, Loki from Norway, Southern Cross from Australia, Rio from Brazil, Marie Bee from Russia, Maru from Japan, and Big Mama from Canada.
{I doubt anyone's gonna bother looking at that}

But yeah, that's my inspiration for this. I'm gonna have more than 8 mercenaries, but I need to think of more names and nationalities. I'm thinking of someone from Africa or somewhere else.

...and I dun watch WWE. Is that wrestling?
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Kazuo Kiriyama
Kazuo Kiriyama

Number of posts : 2658
Age : 31
Reputation : 38
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 6:50 pm

Well for an "African" female, you can try "Ashanti", meaning: Disturbance.

As for an African male, you could try "Kobe" (Tortoise) or "Kojo" (Born on Monday).

Let me know if you need more or if those just don't feel right.
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Number of posts : 4553
Age : 31
Location : Hialeah,Florida
Reputation : 44
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Character sheet
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Character Name: Blaze
Race: Human

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 11:46 pm

Yup its wrestling
Also yeah Ashanti sounds better.....
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RP Team
RP Team

Number of posts : 2358
Age : 31
Location : Alucard's House, Grand "The City", California
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 2009-10-03

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 12:13 am

Hm...I think I'll go for a female with the name Ashanti. Thanks, guys. I'm also gonna see about making their weapon sets and such. Could you guys tell me what you think of those when I make them? I'm almost done deciding their weaponry, and I think it'd be useful to see what you guys think.
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Kazuo Kiriyama
Kazuo Kiriyama

Number of posts : 2658
Age : 31
Reputation : 38
Registration date : 2008-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 12:58 am

All I can picture in my head with Ashanti is Sheeva in her Tribal uniform from Resident Evil 5 (google). You could make her weapon a crossbow?
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RP Team
RP Team

Number of posts : 2358
Age : 31
Location : Alucard's House, Grand "The City", California
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 2009-10-03

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 2:24 am

You mean Sheva? Hm...I kinda see her that way too. Guess RE5 made an image that kinda sticks with you. I was thinking of making the African character's weapon an exploding bow and arrow kinda like Rambo from First Blood Part 2. Rio in Shock Troopers was basically Brazilian Rambo since he wasn't wearing a shirt, was muscular, and used exploding crossbow bolts.

Hm...In some retrospect, I kinda picture Rochelle from Left 4 Dead 2 and Sheva from Resident Evil 5. I'll think of something.

Now I have some blueprint ideas for how they dress. Let's see...

Slick wears red sneakers, blue pants, and a black leather jacket with an American flag on the back. May have blonde or brown hair. Also may have a bandanna

Richter wears black boots, brown pants, and an orange vest. May have brown or black hair.

Kane wears all black. Steel toe boots, pants, shirt, and a trench coat. Sorta modeled after me, so he may also wear a hat. His all black attire may conflict with Crow since he probably might wear black too. What do you think?

Butterfly might be wearing brown boots, blue pants, a pink shirt with a green jacket over it, and bangles around her wrists. Shooting for blonde hair for her.

That's all I have for now.
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Kazuo Kiriyama
Kazuo Kiriyama

Number of posts : 2658
Age : 31
Reputation : 38
Registration date : 2008-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 2:28 am

Go ahead and give Slick a cigarette while your at it. >_>
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RP Team
RP Team

Number of posts : 2358
Age : 31
Location : Alucard's House, Grand "The City", California
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 2009-10-03

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PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2009 2:31 am

He's that much of a sort of stereotype?

[Thinks of a random background story that justifies his appearance]

Uh, would you believe me if I told you that it's because he thinks America is the best and he broadcasts that with the flag on his jacket (made in America) and his typical American attire?

Truth be told, I almost modeled him after Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh, the ultimate American. I decided not to give him a bandanna nor sunglasses.
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RP Team
RP Team

Number of posts : 2358
Age : 31
Location : Alucard's House, Grand "The City", California
Reputation : 12
Registration date : 2009-10-03

Critique These Character Names Empty
PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2009 12:01 am

Sorry for the double post, but this is so you notice I posted something new.

Here are their weapon sets.

Main - Standard M16. Special - Hand Grenade: Explodes shrapnel - Melee - Combat knife (Slashing attack)

Main - Standard M16. Special - Bazooka: Causes small but strong explosion. Melee - Bayonet (Stabs enemy with bayonet on his M16)

Main - Automatic Shotgun. Special - Grenade Launcher Mount. Melee - Boot knife (Kicking forward makes a knife come out of the bottom of his boot)

Main - RPD Light Machine gun. Special - Molotov Cocktail (Subject to change. May become flame grenade) . Melee - Gun Strike (Whacks enemy with the butt of his gun)

Main - Dual Submachine guns. Special - Triple Exploding Kunai. Melee - Katana (Slices enemy with long reach)

Main - SAW Light Machine Gun. Special - (Undecided. Possible a remote control rocket). Melee - Punch (SHIRLEY...PAUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH!!!)

Main - Dual Submachine guns. Special - (Undecided. Maybe poison gas). Melee - Stun Gun (Shocks opponent with powerful Stun Gun)

Main - Automatic Shotgun. Special - Explosive Shotgun Spread. Melee - Magnum Pistol (Shoots the enemy with a powerful Magnum)
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PostSubject: Re: Critique These Character Names   Critique These Character Names Icon_minitime

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